Feiz and Ayinz Baby

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Shopping for Baby

It’s been 13 weeks since I’ve last updated the baby blog. I’ve to admit that I have no idea on what to write, plus the visits to the doctor produced no more scanned pictures of baby since she’s getting larger and it’s quite hard to capture the whole fetus image through the sonogram…soo..not so much pix to post to the blog.. O0o btw, my doctor is the old-school type where he still uses the 2D sonogram machine, instead of the canggih 4D ones….one of my sister in law insisted us getting a 4D scan to see the actual face of baby….4D means, what you see is what you get and with the machine, u are also able to see all the vernix surfacing the baby skin…ewee…save me from that, I like to see when she’s clean. But actually, it’s still up to you guys, if you want to double confirm that your baby has 10 little toes and fingers, it’s a good idea to do a 4D scan…me…I just tawakal to Allah…I hope her body parts are complete..J

Anyway, baby is doing fine, being kicking and rolling and ‘freezing’ most of the time lately,..she normally does this during World Cup matches that starts at 9pm….and it continues before midnight… I find it sort of like a amusement to myself…Fun tau bila tengok perut gerak2 secara tiba2…hehehe…ok Enough of baby cause I feel like writing on my shopping for baby stuffs

Being a fussy shopper, I think I’m a handful to my husband, cause he had to tailgate me whenever I want to window-shop for baby stuffs..yess people…you need to window shop…of course to get the best price….first of all, make sure you have a baby list. A lot of major websites produces basic baby list such as
www.babycenter.com or Mothercare (www.mothercare.com.my). Me, I refer to Mothercare website and add some of the items that orang Melayu guna like ‘barut’…..hello, baby mat salleh mana guna barut. So….you need to customized the list first according to your common sense and advices from mother or mother-in-law…and some of the items being listed in the website are in the “nice to haves” category... so, I need to do some tweaking in order to suit my budget.

Then, hit the web and find out more on the products that you need to buy…for instance…a breastpumps..read all the reviews on top selling breastpumps..e.g: Medela, Avent, Spectra…Medela breastpump especially the one with battery/power operated is a bit noisy when operated. So I chose the Avent Isis manual breastpump instead…since the review said that it works just like battery/power operated and will take about 10 minutes to pump on one breast...and the price is slightly cheaper than Medela.

There’s one shop at The Curve which sells slightly cheaper Avent products if compare to other shops or department stores. Check out at ‘The First Few Years’ at The Curve. The shop is opposite Mothercare store. I got my breastpump from the shop since the price is cheaper that the discounted price at Jusco or Isetan or Mothercare on sale. So, if any of the readers one to get the same breastpump as mine, hit to the shop.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Second Visit - 15 Weeks

Mommy's talking,

Balik Tganu for the weekend for IBSS thingy kat Primula Hotel....damn tired sebab kene berdiri one whole day and worsttt...slipper baru putus and kene pakai the most uncomfortable Etienne Aigner shoes...keras gile...have no choice sebab no flats kat rumah..and kat KL pun I tade flats..really need to get myself a pair of hush pups....

Abah punya pokok strawberry dah berbuah dengan banyaknye..tapi kecik2...tapi oklaa..mana lagi nak jumpa pokok strawberry kat Jalan Pusara...idaman sungguh pokok tu sampai ramai gile orang mintak....and Abah sungguh eksyen dengan buah strawberrynye itu..hahahaha....(betul tak GG)..kalau awak ada gambar strawberry tu sile share ngan saya...lupa nak bawak camera balik rumah...lagipun awak makan buah yang paling besar...

Balik KL balik...yeayyy....sebab ada appointment with Dr...one of the best moment sebab dapat lagi gambar baby...this time, placenta dia dah naik sikit..separuh..and dia asyik melompat-lompat...so..the picture is a bit blurred sebab susah nak capture gambar. Anyway...so far so good....baby's ok and I pun Alhamdulillah ok...doctor bagi ubat/multivits and calcium as usual....hmm...still don't know the gender of baby...

Special announcement to Aunty GG, Uncle Boy and Aunty Mira out there

To Aunty GG: kalau baby boy nak baju rugby canterbury kids yang cute2....and segala bende yang cute kat OZ...hahaha..(bila lagi saya nak katok awak GG)

To Uncle Boy: anything from you is fine...Bandung sure banyak choice kat factory outlets

To Aunty Mira: taperlaa...Aunty Mira school lagi..and PMR this year..

The First Visit to Doctor - 8 weeks

This is the first ultrasound picture taken after first visit to Doctor. I'm not a tiny dot anymore!!! Mommy was experiencing a few episodes of spooting...but not so serious, because of the low lying placenta..or maybe spotting because Mommy banyak sangat jalan2 window shopping with Aunty GG.